Bali Nuanu Town

Philosopher by the campfire: Meeting with AI in the guise of Alan Watts

In the future city of Nuanu in Bali, on one of the many trails, a unique Artificial Intelligence is presented in the guise of Alan Watts. This android provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of discussions about faith, consciousness and the future.


  • Walk around Bali: On one of the picturesque trails of Bali, among the crystal clear air and bright colors of nature, the traveler encounters an unusual sight.

  • Mysterious fire: In the middle of the path there is a fire burning, with a figure of a man sitting next to it. The sounds of burning wood create an atmosphere of mystery, drowning out the noise of the jungle.

  • Unusual interlocutor: When approaching, it becomes clear that this is not just a person, but an android, similar in appearance to Alan Watts.

  • Depth of communication: Interaction with the android makes it clear that he is not just a sculpture, but also the embodiment of the ideas of Alan Watts, erasing the boundaries between man and machine.

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